Festival renuac 1ªedicion
Largos - Ducumentales - Cortos - Mejores actores
Mejores del 2021
Finalistas 1º edición Festival RENUAC
Shorts Ficción
The legend of Oriol Directed by Rubén Jiménez Sanz - Spain - Award Winner
The Inmortality of words Directed by Nei Loya - Spain - Mejor Guion Original
The Last Celebration Directed by Adrián Ramos - México - Mejor Dirección
The legend of Oriol Directed by Rubén Jiménez Sanz - Spain - Mejor Montaje
The Inmortality of words Directed by Nei Loya - Spain - Mejor Maquillaje
The Inmortality of words Directed by Nei Loya - Spain - Mejor Diseño de Vestuario
Gilberto Cava Directed by John Agudelo Suárez - Colombia - Mejor Fotografía
Gilberto Cava Directed by John Agudelo Suárez - Colombia - Mejor Actor de Reparto
Fixed Directed by Diego Príncipe - Brasil - Mejor Actriz Protagónica
An exceptional day Directed by cédrick spinassou - France - Extraordinario Reparto
Shorts Animation
Vals&Rumba Directed by Laura Delgado, Eduardo Rodriguez - Spain - Award Winner
Hello Mum Directed by Carlo Rasulo - Italy - Mejor Guión Original
Piccolino. An adventure in the city Directed by Giovanni Maccelli - Spain - Mejor Dirección
Death Dance Directed by Aarón Milla - Peru - Mejor Efectos Sonoros
Pandemiau Directed by Nasstia Velásquez Vidal - Chile - Mejor Efectos Visuales
Shorts Documentary
Five Hearts Directed by Martin Parlato - United States - Award Winner
Two Rivers - Directed by Patrícia Moll, Fellipe Abreu - Brasil - Mejor Guión Original
Two Rivers - Directed by Patrícia Moll, Fellipe Abreu - Brasil - Mejor Montaje
Forgotten by the Moon Directed by Nora Caro - Mexico - Honorable Mention
Shorts LGTB
Encounter directed by Ivan Lowenberg - México - Award Winner
Encounter directed by Ivan Lowenberg - México - Mejor Dirección
Encounter directed by Ivan Lowenberg - México - Extraordinario Reparto
Encounter directed by Ivan Lowenberg - México - Mejor Guión Original
The graffiti Directed by Aurélien Laplace - France - Mejor Fotografía
The Last Romantics of The World Directed by Henrique Arruda - Brasil - Mejor Producción
Shorts Student
Quoi qu'il arrive Directed by Mathilde COTILLON - France - Award Winner
Phantom Directed by GABI BANIA - Poland - Mejor Guión Original
Copper Train Directed by Agustina Preti - Argentina - Honorable Mention
Shorts Feminist
Dana Directed by Lucía Forner Segarra - Spain - Award Winner
Ella Directed by Viviano Romero - Panama - Mejor Guión Original
La ultima y nos vamos Directed by Susy López Pérez - México - Mejor Dirección
Ella Directed by Viviano Romero - Panama - Mejor Actriz Protagónica
Trailer Peliculas y documentarios
El grito de la marea Directed by Maggie Zacarias Mandujano - Perú - Award Winner
One Year Pandemic Directed by Nuno Franco - Portugal - Mejor Fotografía
Diferencias Directed by Emmanuel Blanchard - Ecuador - Mejor Interpretación
Into the Mountain Directed by Lucas Ratton - Brasil - Mejor Montaje
Just a Day - Directed by Sarah Namiyonga - Uganda - Honorable Mention
Programa de TV / Internet
Magical Directed by Roberta Cunha - Brasil - Award Winner
CHRYSALIS Directed by Brayan Steven Jiménez - Colombia - Mejor Guión Original
GATO THE CAT - Directed by Paula de Abreu - Brasil - Award Winner
Ruby/The Foot - Directed by Nick Michael - United States - Mejor Guión Original
Ruby/The Foot - Directed by Nick Michael - United States - Mejor Actriz Protagónica
FOCUS Directed by Tomas Larrinaga - Argentina - Mejor Montaje
Hey Men Directed by Jethro Massey - France - Award Winner
La Malagueña Directed by Jaime Fidalgo - México - Mejor Dirección
We Heal Directed by Jaime Fidalgo - México - Mejor Fotografía
Lao Ra - Directed by Silvia Prietov - Colombia - Mejor Estética
Categoría Mejor actor Chileno
Sergio Beltrán - Corto Benditos Demonios - Director: Sergio Beltrán - Award Winner
Alejandro Trapp - Corto Disociació - Director: Alvaro Berríos - 2º lugar
Alvaro Pruneda - Corto Web Business - Director: Alvaro Pruneda - 3º lugar
Francisco Silva - Corto Mandarin - Director: Gabriel Bucher - 4º lugar
Categoría Mejor actriz Chilena
Costanza Saat - Corto CONISTANZA - Director: Luis Enrique Pacheco Arias - Award Winner
Ketty zamorano - Corto Benditos Demonios - Director: Sergio Beltrán - 2º lugar
Javiera Ogaz Corto Vorfreude - Director: Juan Godoy Llanos - 3º lugar
Constanza Perez - Corto Web Business - Director: Alvaro Pruneda - 4º lugar
Categoría Largometraje
HIDDEN DREAMS - Camarões - Director: Ngang Romanus - Award Winner
Categoría Documentales
The long way to Alejandro Bordon- Argentina - Marcelo Goyeneche - Award Winner
Have a Nice Trip - United States - Jeremy Norrie - Mejor Historia
Haigaz por el Mundo Atacama- BRASIL - Ricardo Chacur - Mejor Fotografia
Premiación especial del jurado
Mejor Guionista: Directed by GIGLIOLA ZACARA - Corto SILÊNCIO - Mozambique
Mejor Directora: Directed by Carmen Perona Cabrera Corto Cinema's Women - Spain
Honorable Mention: Directed by Gladys González - Documental Silence - Mexico